Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Mindfulness Camp Participants (Teachers), Making differences in their Schools!

Students practicing sitting meditation, Gomdar Central School 
The 4th Annual Mindfulness camp was held at Chokyi Gyatso Institute in Dewathang from 7th to 13th January 2018.

As a result of the camp, teacher participants actively initiated various mindfulness activities for teachers and students in their respective schools through establishing mindfulness club and School Based In-service Programme (SBIP). 

The mindfulness practice is integrated in a week long value orientation programme in few schools including Karmaling Higher Secondary School and Pemathang Lower Secondary School at the beginning of their academic session (2018). On a regular basis, all the teachers who took part in the camp do few minutes of practice with the students every day before they begin their lessons in the class.
Mindfulness program at Pemathang Lower Secondary School

A participant from Arekha Middle Secondary School, Chukha district integrated the mindfulness practice during their lunch time to encourage students to eat mindfully, to make meal offerings, and to sit for few minutes of practice. The mindful walk is another practice Madam Dechen of the school encourages her students to do every morning after the assembly as they walk back to their class rooms.  For teachers of the school, Dechen was successful in initiating a 5 minute practice every before and after the staff meeting.
Students of Ura Central School practicing Karma yoga

Another participant, Madam Tenzin Dema of Ura Central School, Bumthang integrated the mindfulness practice in doing community services through the practice of karma yoga (work as practice). The Karma Yoga is a practice to apply the supreme methods for refining ones intention and motivation to carry out any service selflessly for the greater benefit of all sentient beings. With the help of Dema the peer helper club members did a mass cleaning in one of the local temples in Ura. On the other hand Dema also led the scout club members of the school to clean a local stream coinciding with the world water day.
LME students attending one day mindfulness camp
Recently, Ms. Sangay Wangmo, one of the past camp participants from Karmaling Higher Secondary School, Phuntshothang wrote a proposal to her school administration requesting to permit her to carry out Mindfulness training as a strategy for the disciplinary issues in the school. The school administration wholeheartedly accepted her proposal and she is now ready to commence her plan.
SBIP for teacher at Ura CS

Back at Chokyi Gyatso Institute a daylong mindfulness camp was organized for LME students, teachers and CGI lopons. More than 60 participants took part in the program. The program was organized to continue and emphasize the importance of mindfulness practice. It was to deepen their understandings of practice and to appreciate it as a part of themselves. It was also to introduce the existence of mind and the mindfulness techniques to newly enrolled students.
The mindfulness practice of 3-5 minutes is maintained on daily basis in the class. Besides daily practice, once a week students practice karma yoga as they do their social work in the Institute. The karma yoga practice is also integrated when the students are involved in volunteer works and social services in their community.

Students practicing walking meditation at Karmaling Higher S School

SBIP for Karmaling HSS Teachers
Karma Yoga at Local temple, Ura, Bumathang

Ura CSS, Photo session after the community services