Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Monks of Chokyi Gyatso Are Seeing Clearly

In March, 2015, the monks of Chökyi Gyatso Institute were given eyes check ups and eyeglasses were provided for those who were in need. The initiative has been in the works since 2011, when Pauline Tan of Singapore helped collect used eyeglass frames that were donated for reuse. Healthcare is free in Bhutan but there are very few opportunities for eye check ups. The local military hospital hosts eye clinics from time to time but heretofore the shedra was not informed.

By chance, a group of eye doctors and assistants came to the shedra to pay respects to Rinpoche after a week-long clinic and when they learned that the monks also need check ups, they kindly rearranged their schedules to spend one extra evening checking as many monks as they could. Several serious cases were diagnosed, 10 new prescriptions were written and several eye infections and other issues were detected.

Finally we were able to pair Pauline's frames with good quality prescriptions and, with the help of the Student Welfare Fund, which paid for the lenses, this week the boys got their glasses. Some of the young boys were a bit shy to put on their specs at first but after we told them that Rinpoche and many of the khenpos wear glasses and that they make you look smarter, they have started to wear them regularly.

Many thanks to Dr. Dechen and her team, Pauline Tan, and the Student Welfare Fund of CGI.