Monday, July 4, 2022

Youth Volunteers

Mr. Tashi Dhendup (Ex-student of Ranjung school), Mr Sonam Wangchuk (Ex-std of Mongar High School) and Mr Pema Rinzin (CST student) have been volunteering for the last few weeks with us. We are happy to have these active and energetic youth, who worked hard during their volunteerism, and in particular they have been very helpful in the recent empowerment program presided by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche at Chokyi Gyatso Institute, Dewathang.

As they go back to continue their further studies, we wish them luck, success, happiness and kindness. May they grow to be decent individuals, who will dare to care their community and put forth the welfare of others first.

We thank them all!

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